Tackling Indigenous Smoking Visit

Tackling Indigenous Smoking Visit

The Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) Team at Apunipima Cape York Health Council have started delivering the Apunipima TIS school program at Cape York Girl Academy yesterday.

The girls came up with some great key messages as part of their 1st session and looking forward tp next week.

A great presentation yesterday by “What’s Your Story, Cape York” the girls are looking forward to next week!

‘Don’t Make Smokes Your Story’ is a national campaign on that shares the real, difficult stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have smoked tobacco.

The campaign was initiated by the Australian Government as part of their plan to close the gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smoking rates.

Campaign information and resources published on this Facebook page will be aimed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from Cape York communities, focusing on community values such as family health and wellbeing.

The campaign will promote the health benefits of quitting tobacco, not only for individuals but for families and the broader community.

The Apunipima TIS Team encourages you to ask questions, participate in your local campaign and share your stories relating to tobacco use.


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