A Blessing

A Blessing

Rosie and Bernard Bulmer have made a small investment in their garden which has resulted in returns for the entire family.

Before joining Pride of Place, they only had a small space on their veranda where the family could sit and talk.

“We couldn’t all fit to sit down and have a cup of tea.”

Rosie and Bernard decided they needed a shed and turned to POP for assistance.

“They plan with you — where you want your shed, how to grow your garden and the things you need.”

Rosie and Bernard joined MPower and started to save towards their $1000 Pride of Place goal.

“I deducted $50 from my pay every fortnight, until $1000 was paid. It only took eight months.”

Rosie and Bernard were very pleased with the maintenance package they purchased through Pride of Place. “When you go to the shop here to buy a lawnmower you don’t get bottles and a jerry can to go with it, you just get the lawnmower. But with Pride of Place we got our lawnmower, our oil and our little jerry can tin with a seal.”

“The shed, plants, mower, wheelbarrow, whipper snipper and rake are all from POP. Now I’ve got a water tank around the back and I’m getting a veggie garden too.”

The garden package makes it possible for Rosie and Bernard to maintain their new garden. Their family and friends can now visit and talk under the shed.

They ask Rosie and Bernard how they got the shed. “I tell them you’ve got to join up with MPower and put in some money.”

As well as the shed, Rosie and Bernard had a swing set installed for their children. “I’ve got a safe place where the children can play in the front area … I’m getting a fence too, so I can sit under the shed and watch my children play.”

According to Rosie, “POP made all of this possible.”

“It was like a blessing to my place. I am happy and I spend a lot of time here.”


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