Parenting staff based throughout the four Welfare reform sites of Aurukun, Coen, Hopevale and Mossman Gorge provide a range of holistic parenting services to our partners.
A core role is to co-ordinate both ‘soft entry’ activities such as handicraft workshops and healthy cooking classes and facilitate targeted programs such as Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), Circle of Security and Parents Under Pressure.
Structured programs provide parenting intervention strategies to enhance parenting skills, increase knowledge and confidence in raising children.
Parents Under Pressure is designed for families with complex needs, where adverse life circumstances deeply affect family functioning (depression and anxiety, substance misuse, conflicts, and family violence).
Because it addresses the challenges of parenting under extreme and prolonged stress, it matches the personal circumstance of many parents and caregivers presenting to the parenting program. The training model involves intensive training followed by practice and supervision.
Parenting staff and O-Hub leaders in Cairns for the second Parents Under Pressure Case review- all due to be accredited by December 2017.