Discovering Heritage

Today’s edition of the Cairns Post features the work of our very own Year 12 student and Leader, Helen Ryder-Jackomos.

Helen’s story is about the discovery of her Yorta Yorta heritage during a visit to Victoria over the Christmas break last year:

“My mum always told me stories about our Yorta Yorta mob growing up, so when I was on Yorta Yorta country I got to see and be shown what my mum always talked about. I feel like I learnt much more though as I was on country seeing and feeling everything and so I understand the culture and connections more”.

She was inspired to learn more about her culture after taking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies at Djarragun College in Year 11. It prompted her to start her own independent research learning about country and heritage

The full story is inside the “Inspire” section of the newspaper.

Djarragun College will also be publishing the full article with pictures in our upcoming newsletter.


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