Exploring University Pathways

Exploring University Pathways

Katherine from The Cathedral School of St Anne & St James – Townsville is very determined to make her dream of becoming a Veterinarian a reality. She is already studying her Certificate in Vet Assistance and doing work experience at the Townsville Vet Clinic. At the recent JCU: James Cook University, Australia Open Day in Townsville, Katherine spent most of the day at the Veterinary School touring the labs, anatomy class, and emergency hospital. We also toured the state-of-the-art science building to look at the science labs and visit the zoology and marine biology stalls, and get up close to some reptiles from the Billabong Sanctuary.

Our leaders always love seeing a familiar face, and we ran into CYLP Tertiary Leader and Brisbane Boys College graduate Assan Sam manning the Indigenous Support Stall. We were treated to a private tour of the Bebegu Yumba building, JCU’s Indigenous Education and Research Centre and Indigenous support space.

CYLP is so proud of our Senior Academic Leaders for exploring university pathways that suit their talents and passions and for chasing their dreams.


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