Hospitality Practices is an Authority-registered subject with the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
At Girl Academy, students who are in the senior years of secondary school are completing this subject. It is compulsory for them to successfully complete this subject.
This term students have been studying the unit – ‘International Cuisine’ which means that students are learning about other countries and cultures and the cuisine in these countries.
While theory lessons aren’t very exciting, the students have been enjoying the practical cooking.
They have prepared dishes from these cuisines: Indian, East Asian and Mediterranean.
Students work in two groups and are supervised by Ms Annette, the hard-working teacher aide and Ms Di, the teacher. Jamie-Lee Noble, year 12 student, who has completed a Certificate 2 in Hospitality assists in the students food preparation and service, and acts as the maitre de.
Staff and students at Girl Academy have been enjoying these dishes, which the senior students proudly presented as school lunches on every Fridays, this term.
The senior students in Hospitality Practices class are: Aretha Bani, Akaycia Fourmile,Tamiley Genai, Sarah Ludwick, Rahenna Manmurulu, Jamie-Lee Noble, Retarna Richards-Yeatman. They are all doing well.