Blue-collar workplaces are staffed in majority by males. As a civil construction, building and landscaping services contractor, Bama Services (Bama) is no exception. Approximately 90 per cent of Bama's labour force represented by men. This does not concern Natalie Woodleigh, Bama’s new Administration Assistant. In fact, Natalie celebrates Bama’s welcoming and friendly culture. She feels as though she has finally found her niche after several years of professional and personal stress.
Natalie is a cheerful Indigenous woman who was raised in Cairns and has connections to Tennant Creek. She has a respectable and diverse resume, which includes employment in the public service, legal services and social enterprise. However, after completing two stressful periods of employment, Natalie lost motivation and self-esteem.
“I felt worse than I ever had before. I witnessed a lot of disturbing things in those jobs, and I felt disrespected. So I just got to the point where I knew I had to leave, even though I had no idea what I’d do next,” she says.
After a period of unemployment, Natalie saw Bama had a job opening—she knew of the organisation because of landscaping work they had completed at a former workplace—and she seized upon the opportunity. She subsequently gained employment with Bama in September 2020.
... everyone at Bama was welcoming and helpful ... The workplace culture is so respectful and friendly here.
- Natalie Woodleigh
“Starting at Bama made me nervous. I’m not a person who is typically comfortable with change. There was a lot to learn,” she says. “But everyone at Bama was welcoming and helpful. As the weeks went on, I became more comfortable and my mental health began to lift more and more. The workplace culture is so respectful and friendly here.”
Natalie’s role grew in responsibility, and staff began to comment on how she presented herself as a caring figure in the workplace. Because of her bias for positive relationships, Natalie says that she naturally became a conduit between all levels of staff and management to support greater levels of teamwork.
“I said to my partner, ‘I am happy where I am. Bama is a welcoming environment, and the staff make me happy here.’ I feel like I’ve found home.”
Interested in Working at Bama Services?
Bama Services values diversity in its workforce. If a career in landscaping and construction interests you and you'd also like to join Bama's friendly culture, visit their website to inquire.