Cape York Employment works throughout Cape York to create pathways to meaningful employment. We work with local job seekers and school-leavers to identify job opportunities, provide access to training, improve job-readiness and address any barriers to gaining meaningful employment.
We work with our communities to co-design a range of regular activities that provide job seekers with an opportunity to learn new skills and contribute positively to their communities.
We also deliver the government’s Community Development Program (CDP) in Aurukun, Coen and Lockhart River.
Aurukun, Coen and Lockhart River communities supported0
jobseekers supported0th
Anninversary in 2023Why it Matters
With jobseekers outnumbering available jobs in many of our communities, many find themselves in the grips of passive welfare that strips them of their purpose and self-worth and places them at high risk of being left behind by the real economy.
Our youth, too, are calling out for opportunities to further their education and train for jobs of the future.
The benefits of employment go far beyond an earned income for one individual. A genuine, meaningful job restores personal pride, builds resilient families and creates safer communities.
What we are Doing
Since 2013, we have secured employment for more than 1,400 jobseekers in Aurukun, Coen and Lockhart River.
We work closely with local, regional and national employers to align jobseeker training with future opportunities in the workforce, both here in the Cape and beyond.
Our voluntary activities, personalised job plans and foundational training all help jobseekers build the relevant skills and experience employers are looking for. We also foster self-employment opportunities, leveraging the jobseekers distinctive talents.
School to Jobs
School to Jobs is a new initiative of Cape York Employment.
Initially working with senior students from Djarragun College, Cape York Leaders Program and Cape York Girl Academy, School to Jobs is mentoring students while they are at school and then creating pathways to their employment, predominantly in apprenticeships and traineeships.
Employers in the Cairns and Cape York Region host School to Jobs' apprentices and trainees in their workplaces to provide the on-the-job skills required under a training plan. School to Jobs is currently working with hosts in a range of industries, including hospitality, engineering, carpentry, construction and childcare.
Contact information
If you would like to engage with Cape York Employment or have any questions about the work we do, please get in touch.
Jobseekers are encouraged to visit the Cape York Employment Engagement Hub, which provides 24/7 access to job listings, training opportunities and community events.