Our Priorities - Cape York Partnership

Our Priorities

Cape York Institute

Constitutional Recognition

Since 2007, Cape York Institute has been advocating for substantive and meaningful constitutional change that would empower Indigenous people at a national, state and local level. After many years of policy design work, in 2017 Indigenous people from across Australia came together at Uluru to call for a Voice in the Constitution and a Makarrata Commission. Since then, Cape York Institute has contributed to the co-design of the Voice and continues to advocate for a Makarrata Commission. We will not stop our policy work until Indigenous people are heard and Constitutional recognition is achieved.


Job Guarantee

The concept is simple. Minimum wage employment for those who are able to work. With jobs provided by governments, councils, accredited NGOs and social enterprises, a Job Guarantee would provide the dignity of work to every Australian. It would offer a better alternative to passive and unproductive welfare or the work-for-the-dole system.

What many Australians need is a real opportunity. And the best real opportunity is a job.

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Mayi Market

Food insecurity and the exorbitant cost of quality fresh food are contributing to a high rate of chronic disease in our communities.  Mayi Market empowers these communities to take control of their food network by delivering them quality, fresh food at fair prices.

Mayi Market is a shining example of how partnering with the community on solutions can have a real and positive impact on the lives of the people of Cape York. 

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Every Child Safe

We are co-designing a new approach for keeping children safe with the community of Aurukun. For many decades, Governments’ have responded to safety issues within Cape York communities by ordering top-down reviews that disempowered communities.

Every Child Safe leverages our people’s expertise and knowledge. It is looking at the root causes of the problem to co-design a sustainable solution that can be implemented by the community.


Pama Platform

Pama Platform is a web-based app that will ensure those with lower digital literacy are not left behind as more and more services move online. Co-designed by Cape York communities, Pama Platform combines O-Hub Opportunity Products and services into one app, so users take control of their money and day-to-day life.

Pama Platform provides an opportunity for our First Nations peoples to participate and thrive in the digital age.

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Pama Futures

Cape York Institute is devising a new local approach to empowerment called Pama Futures. With the support of the Commonwealth Government, we are working with communities to establish a Local and Regional Voice that will allow people to provide advice to and negotiate with the Government on the policies, programs and funding that affect their community.

It's putting the power back in the hands of the people. 

Hydrogen Power

Cape York Hydrogen

We are working to design green hydrogen technology that will allow our communities to transition from diesel generation to clean energy. This project will generate jobs for local Indigenous people, deliver significant community benefit and put Cape York at the forefront of Australia’s transition to green hydrogen.


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