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Kirsty Davis

  • Executive Leadership – CEO, Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership

As a proud Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Kirsty is the Chief Executive Officer for the Cape York Insitute for Policy and Leadership.

Kirsty has 20+ years of experience as an Indigenous executive driving strategic, innovative programs that deliver learning, leadership and business opportunities for the empowerment of First Nations people. 

Kirsty worked with the Cape York Land Council for 23 years, holding positions in native title claims management, policy and management. Here, she led the Pama Futures Reform Agenda in 2017-2020, as the Land and Economic Development Stream Lead and was Acting Chief Executive Officer from 2019-2020.

Before joining Cape York Partnership, Kirsty was the Chief Executive Officer of the Puuya Foundation, Lockhart River.
She is currently a Director of the Kaziw Meta Boarding College, Thursday Island.


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