- Djarragun College Board – Non-Executive Director
Zoe career, both within and outside of government working at the nexus of policy, evidence, innovation and partnership, has been focused on helping to drive more effective responses to complex and entrenched disadvantage. Zoe led policy development at the Cape York Institute from January 2013 until late 2019, and in this role worked on our agendas, including welfare reform, education, employment and economic development, land reform, constitutional recognition and empowerment. Zoe is most proud of the role she and her team played to support the establishment of the Girl Academy – a boarding school in Cape York for disengaged girls and young mothers.
Zoe began her career working as a native title lawyer, including for the Wik and Wik Way people of Western Cape York. She has played key roles on many major public policy reviews, including the Crime and Misconduct Commission’s review of policing in Indigenous communities after the death of Mulrunji on Palm Island, and regarding alcohol-related violence when working as a Director, Law and Justice Policy in Queensland’s Department of Premier and Cabinet. Currently, Zoe works as a Director in Queensland Corrective Services with a focus on partnerships and engagement to drive strategic reforms, including with respect to Indigenous incarceration.