Sisters Sonai and Justinelle attended the James Cook University Cairns Campus Open Day last Saturday.
Both girls are interested in pursuing careers in the health sector. Justinelle is considering a Bachelor of Nursing. She is currently studying a Certificate in Primary Health at Djarragun College, while Sonai is determined to become a paramedic.
A highlight of the day for the sisters was exploring the Nursing Practical space. This area is designed for students to use mannequins as part of the course practical training. The sisters took the opportunity at performing CPR on the mannequins and talk to the second and third year nursing students about their university experience.
The two leaders also had the opportunity to speak with Indigenous students studying dentistry and education, receive a tour of the JCU’s Indigenous support space and the Indigenous Education and Research Centre as well as parading and handling a Black Headed Python from Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures.
These talented sisters are ones to watch!